Saturday, April 29, 2006


I do not know how to relax! I had my last final yesterday, so I'm done for the semester, don't have a class again for two weeks, yet here I sit feeling anxious because I feel I should be doing something, anything. I have been in school way too long so that any downtime I have I feel I must be doing something. I could read, which I probably will, but even then, I feel like I am neglecting work that must be done. I wonder if my sister ever had this problem after her semesters were over. It will be very weird once I am done with school forever. I think because of that, I may take at least one college class every semester for the rest of my life. I can't stand not having anything to do. I'll be a fun guy when I retire.


Kate said...

Why do you think I knit? Ride for extremely long periods of time?

I have never been able to sit still. I am not capable. My semester won't be over until next Friday. Grades are due the following Monday and then I start teaching summer school on Tuesday.

Pat said...

I guess I should invest in some more books and some jigsaw puzzles. Only problem, the right books and jigsaw puzzles don't last. Sigh.

Maggie said...

Josh has the same problem. He keeps saying he's going to take the summer to relax, but I can't see that. I bet after a week of being home with me and the kids, he'll be itching to get a summer job.

Ruth said...

I've been taking at least one class a semester since 1976...way before you were born....and it helps my sanity! For me, it's pottery and clay...something no matter how much I play in clay....I can never learn it go for it and don't look back! Use it or lose it...keep busy!! Good blog and good luck!