Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I'm getting a new computer!

WOOHOO... Alia just doesn't know it yet. My old one finally died on me, and I'm just glad Alia got hers and I got it up and running. I told her I was going to get one, and I finally ordered it today. It will probably be here on Dad's birthday, but it will be a gift for me :-).

On the job front, I'm working a heck of a lot. I worked 50 hours last week, and it appears that I may be on that way again this week. OT is nice, when you can get it. Soon, I should get a raise as I have officially graduated (again), but I need my transcript or diploma or something to show that I have finished. And right now, I do not miss school. But I have that feeling again that I should be doing something other than what I'm doing. That will go away, right? All I know is that I do not want to go back to school ever again. But I'm sure I'll go back for another Master's and still may decided to finish that Ph.D. I started. Just to have it. No other reason.

Hopefully, Alia will be home soon so I can start dinner as I am hungry, but then again, when am I not? And speak of her, there she is.