Friday, November 17, 2006

Knee Problem

Okay. So I found out today that I have lateral patellar tilt. Still not sure what that is, though it doesn't sound too good. It could have come from athletic activity, growth spurt, or hereditary. I know it is not from athletic activity as I don't do much athletically (though I'm still hoping to play baseball or softball next summer). It could be from my growth spurt when I was 16, or could be from hereditary. I wonder if Dad had similar problems or anyone else in the family did. I was referred to an orthopedist, but I'm not sure if my insurance covers it. I guess I should call and find out. So right now, I'm wearing a brace and I'll call the orthopedist later today. Hopefully, it is something that can be fixed with therapy and not surgery. I'm so lucky that I haven't had to have any major surgery before, and I don't plan on having major surgery anytime in the near or distant future. So wish me luck.

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