Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I'm jealous of Kate and Maggie (and for that matter, Tom, Mimi, and Joanne). I really want to have kids. All of you have great stories, funny and cute, about your children. I cannot wait to have children (though I don't want them before I get married). Everyone has adorable children and all of them have great personalities that are beginning to come out. I really miss seeing everyone all the time. Kate's stories about Lucas and his Hunt Hunt clan are just too darn funny and the pictures of Maggie's kids just show how good looking they really are. That pic of Katrina is classic. For some reason, it reminds me of Maggie. I wonder why...

Okay, I've babbled long enough. I'm getting hungry and the chicken is in the oven. I can't wait to share stories of the funny and adorable stuff my children are doing with everyone.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

borrow mine for a weekend and you might change your mind.;) You are going to make a great dad.