Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I hate winter

We were lucky this weekend. We didn't get hit with the snow that they thought was coming this way. But it was still cold. Today, it's in the 50s, and of course, I have a cold. I hate getting sick when the weather changes as it does, and you figure, that growing up where I did, I should be used to it. Not so. I still have a class to go to today, but it should be over about a quarter after one, then I'm going home, making some tomato soup, and lying down on my couch. Hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow when it is supposed to be 60. Then of course, I'll get sick this weekend when the weather is back in the 20s and cold and snowy

Man, I hate winter.

In other news, I was watching the women's Olympic curling competition last night between the US and Japan. That Cassie Johnson is one attractive woman. I never thought I could get into curling like that, and I hate to say it, but it helps that she is beautiful. I know I'm a pig, but I can't help it.

Well anyways, I think I'm going to go sit in the class room and nap till class starts at noon. Later days, y'all.


Anonymous said...

hey pat. hope you start feeling better soon! enjoy those warm temps for us! we're in double digits today!! :) must be a heat wave!

Kate said...

It's 75 here and the wind is blowing like crazy. It's so bad that the porch swing has fallen over (again!).

Poor M and L have never seen more than 3 inches of snow at a time and that happened last weekend.

Sorry about the changing weather. Ours has been doing that too. : (